Invited speaker for the Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC) at Linköping University online ISAR – Interdisciplinary Seminars on Ageing Research. For more information about this seminar series, see here.
Sarah Vickerstaff and I were invited to the ‘Mature Movers’ by Rosaria Barreto (December 2022): Link will be added when available.
Centre for Ageing Better invited me to write a blog about when Ageism is really Ableism (December 2022): https://ageing-better.org.uk/blogs/when-ageism-really-ableism
Blog on WorkingWise on book book Older Workers in Transition (November 2022): https://www.workingwise.co.uk/older-workers-the-reality-versus-the-hype/
Blog for Transforming Society on book Older Workers in Transition (October 2022): https://www.transformingsociety.co.uk/2022/10/13/do-job-transitions-offer-older-workers-the-freedom-to-continue-working/
Sarah Vickerstaff and I were invited to the ‘Redundancy Podcast’ by David Watts (September 2021): https://theredundancypodcast.com/
Sarah Vickerstaff and I participated in Virtual policy event: The overlap between ageism and ableism in the workplace on 28 January 2021. Recording of virtual policy event on the overlap between ageism and ableism in the workplace is now online. This contains a short presentation as well as returns after breakout-room sessions to talk about some questions regarding these topics.
Based on this virtual event, we also co-written a report with ILC-UK: https://ilcuk.org.uk/enabling-age-at-work/
This report also was picked up by media: https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/1/820/215778.html
For ILC-UK I was invited to be a panel member for a webinar on Ageism, ableism and the coronavirus. The webinar can be watched back here: https://ilcuk.org.uk/webinar-ageism-ableism-and-the-coronavirus/
For International Women’s Day 2020 I was invited to participate in a panel discussion on ‘Ageism: A Feminist Issue?”, organised by Christiana Courtright, a senior strategist, 180 Kingsday, and LW&D Amsterdam.
Together with Sarah Vickerstaff and David Lain I have written a contribution to the Ageing Issues blog: https://ageingissues.wordpress.com/2019/12/17/trapped-in-an-extending-working-life/
Sheila Callaham came to the GSA 2019, was interested in a presentation I gave, and did an interview with me and Sarah Vickerstaff: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sheilacallaham/2019/11/25/researchers-show-how-internalized-age-stereotypes-can-impact-career-decisions/#6d0fe4016eee
My research with Heejung Chung was mentioned in multiple online articles in 2019:
Heejung Chung, Mariska van der Horst. Flexible Working and Unpaid Overtime in the UK: The Role of Gender, Parental and Occupational Status. Social Indicators Research.
Several news articles mentioned this research, including:
* https://www.zmescience.com/science/part-time-work-mothers-overtime-826322/
* http://www.daijiworld.com/news/newsDisplay.aspx?newsID=553813
* https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/part-time-working-mothers-more-likely-to-work-longer-without-pay-119011600594_1.html
For a full overview see: https://springeropen.altmetric.com/details/51892300
In 2017 my research with Heejung Chung was included in multiple news outlets:
Chung, H., & van der Horst, M. (2018). Women’s employment patterns after childbirth and the perceived access to and use of flexitime and teleworking. Human Relations, 71(1), 47–72. (online first August 2017)
The research was included in policy documents as well
For a full overview see: https://sage.altmetric.com/details/24024580
In 2017, my research with Hilde Coffé was also mentioned in an online article:
Van der Horst, M. and Coffé, H. (2012). How Friendship Network Characteristics Influence Subjective Well-Being. Social Indicators Research, 107(3), 509-529.
This research with Hilde Coffé was also picked up for an article in Good Housekeeping, for which I gave a short interview in 2013:
Van der Horst, M. and Coffé, H. (2012).How Friendship Network Characteristics Influence Subjective Well-Being. Social Indicators Research, 107(3), 509-529.