Professor Sarah Vickerstaff and I worked on a project called “Internalised and gendered ageism and disableism and its consequences for labour market participation of older workers: a mixed method study“ (2019-2020). A project website is live here.
- Sarah Vickerstaff and I made together with Science Animated an animated video on embodied ageism in relation to training and development:
- I presented findings from quantitative and qualitative paper at British Society of Gerontology 51st Annual Conference (online conference) on 7 July 2022.
- I presented findings from quantitative paper at Dag van de Sociology (Sociology Day) in Groningen, The Netherlands on 16 June 2022.
Previous events
- Sarah Vickerstaff and I made together with Science Animated an animated video on whether part of ageism is really ableism:
- Sarah Vickerstaff and I have organised a stream for the Gender, Work & Organization 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference (because of Covid-19 delayed to 2021): Transforming Contexts, Transforming Selves: Gender in New Times (organized by University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, now a virtual event). Our stream was on the Friday and was a successful day with very interesting presentations.
- Sarah Vickerstaff and I participated in Virtual policy event: The overlap between ageism and ableism in the workplace on 28 January 2021. Recording of virtual policy event on the overlap between ageism and ableism in the workplace is now online. This contains a short presentation as well as returns after breakout-room sessions to talk about some questions regarding these topics. Also, we co-written a policy brief based on our research and this event:, which was picked up by media.
- Webinar: Ageism, ableism and the coronavirus, organised by ILC-UK. This webinar was on Thursday July 9, 2020 and can be watched back here:
- Sarah Vickerstaff and I organised a symposium on Ageism for the GSA in Austin Texas. The symposium was on Saturday November 16, 2019.

- I presented at the ESA CONFERENCE 2019 IN MANCHESTER / UK. To see the session I presented in, see here.
- I presented at the BSG conference 2019 some results of first studies on internalised and gendered ageism.